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Here is a description of your company. Proin ex id consectetur lobortis. Aliquam, velit vel faucibus dapibus, augue justo ullamcorper turpis, nec convallis metus nunc vel turpis.
Soil is like a bank
If you continually withdraw from your account without putting money back in, you will eventually run out of cash. Continually planting without adding organic matter to the soil depletes its life-giving reserve. Some areas of Hawaii Island have poor soil, so many growers begin with a small nutrient bank.
Our compost is the best deposit you can make into your soil. It is "black gold," brimming with beneficial microorganisms that keep plants healthy. The premium compost is rich, crumbly, dark brown and has an earthy, pleasant smell—all signs of proper curing and maintenance over several months. The end result is compost that is nutritious, hygienic and fully decomposed.
Benefits of adding compost to soil
Keeps green waste from landfills.
Provides a natural slow-release fertilizer, reducing reliance on chemical fertilizers.
Increases plant growth and yields.
Boosts resistance to pests and plant disease, lessening need for chemical pesticides.
Improves water absorption and moisture retention.
Fosters beneficial microorganisms, earthworms and insects.
Lessens soil compaction, water runoff and erosion.
Our composting methodology is research-based and has been honed through years of experience. It begins with locally sourced green waste as our primary feedstock. We inoculate it with beneficial bacteria and add additional ingredients to be within range of the ideal carbon-to-nitrogen ratio.
Our compost is cured for 4 or more months and turned in windrows at least every 7 days. During this curing period, we regulate oxygen, moisture and heat to maintain aerobic conditions and enhance beneficial bacteria. These bacteria secrete vital plant nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorous. Every part of the windrow is exposed to 140°F to kill pests and weed seeds, creating a hygienic and plant-friendly product.
All compost is screened to 1/2” and smaller. Finally, to create our planting mix, we blend the compost with black cinder for aeration and different soils for moisture retention and root stability.