Here is a description of your company. Proin ex id consectetur lobortis. Aliquam, velit vel faucibus dapibus, augue justo ullamcorper turpis, nec convallis metus nunc vel turpis.
Here is a description of your company. Proin ex id consectetur lobortis. Aliquam, velit vel faucibus dapibus, augue justo ullamcorper turpis, nec convallis metus nunc vel turpis.
Our composting methodology is research-based and has been honed through years of experience. It begins with locally sourced recyclable organic material and amendments in proper proportions to create the optimal environment for beneficial microbes to decompose the organic matter.
Windrows are formed and cured for 5 or more months. By regularly turning the windrows it subjects all material to the internal temperature of 140 degrees or more to ensure that pathogens, weed seeds, and undesirable organisms are sterilized in the process. The carbon to nitrogen ratio and moisture content of the material is properly maintained throughout the composting process.
All compost is screened to 3/4” or smaller. Finally, to create our planting mix, we blend the compost with black cinder for aeration and different soils for moisture retention and root stability.
Soil is like a bank
Continually planting without adding organic matter to the soil depletes its life-giving reserve. Some areas of Hawai‘i Island have poor soil, so many growers begin with a small nutrient bank.
Our compost is the best deposit you can make into your soil. It is "black gold," brimming with nutrients and beneficial microorganisms that keep plants healthy. The premium compost is rich, crumbly, dark brown and has an earthy, pleasant smell—all signs of proper curing and management over several months. The end result is compost that is hygienic, fully decomposed, and ready to apply for all your growing needs. This humus-like material is stable, yet fully alive.
Our highest-quality, premium planting mix.
What it’s good for:
Edible crops and fruit orchards
Delicate and discerning plants; vegetable starts
Container gardens, raised beds
Crops requiring high yields
Functional and aesthetic top dressing on existing beds
Compost, smaller black cinder and Hamakua top soil
3/4” screened
$100 per cubic yard. Increasing to $110/cu yd on April 1st, 2025
This soil is all purpose, turn-key, ready to grow.
What it’s good for:
Planting of non-edibles and edibles; trees, shrubs, orchards, lawns
General purpose
Farms and fields
Compost, slightly larger black cinder and Kohala top soil
3/4” screened
$90 per cubic yard. Increasing to $100/cu yd on April 1st, 2025
Fully amended and cured, ready for use as a soil conditioner to be tilled into or top dressed onto existing planter beds.
What it’s good for:
All purpose; highly-nutritious soil amendment
Soil conditioner; improves tilth to existing soils
Adding nutrients and microbiology to diminished soils; increases moisture retention
3/4” screened
$120 per cubic yard. Increasing to $140/cu yd on April 1st, 2025
Screening the coarse compost a second time creates this product of a finer particle size. The result is a growing media for germinating seeds or top dressing for lawns.
What it’s good for:
Highly sensitive plant starts; direct seed applications
Seedlings, container gardens, microgreens
Top dressing for lawns
1/2” screened
$150 per cubic yard. Increasing to $170/cu yd on April 1st, 2025
We offer organic mulch and various uniform-sized aggregate for ground cover applications. Please call for availability and prices.
Pick-up or Delivery
We offer loading with our equipment into your truck or trailer at our location in Kailua-Kona or islandwide delivery services.